There is now a wide range of published music for the organist with either no pedal part or a simple pedal part.
Try browsing Kevin Mayhew Publishing for a start! The following suggestions provide specific ideas and a list of collections
that include a wide range of music to help pianists play organ repertoire without too much trouble.
Baroque/Classical Period
Balbastre Noëls Kalmus £7.95 Next Christmas organised! Easy mans., Gr 3-4
Daquin Noels, Kalmus around £ 8 – 10. Like Balbastre but nearer Gr.6 piano.
Nares 6 Fugues with Introductory Voluntaries OUP £11.95 mans
Pachelbel Organ Works, largely manuals, Gr 5/6/7 £11.95 Dover
Stanley Voluntaries – mans only, Gr 3/4/5. ask for cheap edition and not facsimile.
Romantic Period
Brahms Choral Preludes. 'Es ist ein ros', 'O Gott du frommer Gott', 'Schmucke dich'.
Boellman Heures Mystiques Op 29. Harmonia £8.50 27 snippets. Gr 4 mans
Elgar Vesper Voluntaries Op. 14 Faber £8.95. Gr 6 pno, easy ped
Franck L'Organiste, manuals only, Grades 4 – 8 keyboard standard
Guilmant Practical Organist – 50 short pieces Dover £17 Gr 6 /7 piano
Vierne 24 Pieces in free style – two volumes Gr 4 – 6, Durand
More Modern
Alain 5 Pièces Faciles £9.95 Gr 4 pno
Langlais Douze Petites Pièces UMP £13.10 Gr 5 piano, mans only,
Also his wonderful 24 Pieces in 2 vols. Mans or ped. Combre
Faber Early Organ Series, 18 volumes mainly no ped. European countries. Faber.
Organ Music for Manuals series, OUP; all OK. £10.50 different periods represented.
Easy Graded Organ Music compiled Robert Gower Bk. 1; OUP £9.25 Gr 3/4.
Treasury of Organ Music for Manuals only, Ed. Rollin Smith; Dover £11
English Organ Music – an anthology from 4 centuries; (manuals) Gr 4.
From the Reformation to the Restoration, Ed Robin Langley. Novello £12.50.
Old English Organ Music for manuals series, Gr 3/4ish, OUP, Bks 1, 3, 5
A Graded Anthology of Organ Music, Marsden-Thomas, Cramer Music, Bks 2/3.
Numerous brilliantly useful collections from animus music publishing
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For mail-order outlets go to Music Outlets on the Sheet Music page
For music suggestions from volunteer organists themselves go to Horse's Mouth.